You can learn to be more resilient.

It’s okay to want what you want.

We’ve all been caught in the black hole of perfectionism and hustle, doing all the things for all the people in an effort to feel worthy, seen, and enough. 

All this hustle isn’t necessarily bad; it’s got you this far, right?

But it’s also okay to want more, to feel like a piece is missing.

You deserve to have a healthy sense of entitlement and to achieve your goals joyfully without all the toxic stress & overwhelm we’ve been convinced is normal.

It’s not.

I promise no matter how hard things have been you are not broken.

There is a better way.

The first step is booking a free intro coaching session to get to know one another and create a blueprint of the life you want & deserve.

It’s time to finally do the damn thing!

My Services

  • Woman lying on bed looking at computer in a group coaching call

    Group Coaching

    We’re all walking around carrying the weight of “should” - I should go to college, build my career, get married, buy a house, and have kids.

    But do you do if that’s not the life you want? Or, you do want all of that, but it’s taking way longer than you think it “should”?

    If you’re done with shame and unworthiness and ready for a new way of thinking, living, and working, then small group coaching with like-hearted individuals might be just what you need.

    Click the button to schedule your free intro coaching session today!

    Starting at $250 per month

  • Woman wearing a denim shirt smiling at a computer while in a private coaching session

    Private Coaching

    You have a busy life with competing obligations, and "showing up for your people" all the time is an impossible goal.

    Hustling, scrambling, and punishing yourself is a proven recipe for burnout, NOT the joyful, easeful life of your dreams.

    I want you to hit your goals out of the damn park — and have a spacious and rewarding life, too!!!

    But you can’t do that if you’re exhausted and drowning in overwhelm. So, book a free intro coaching session, and let’s design a plan that will get you heading toward the life of ease you’re dreaming of.

    Starting at $175 per month

  • Iphone with headphones lying next to a computer on a desk

    Employee Mental Wellbeing

    Design Your Life At Work is an employee wellness program addressing mental health in the workplace through podcast-style conversations, private coaching, group Q&A calls, and quarterly leadership workshops.

    Click the button to receive a sample episode and schedule a consultation to see how the program can work for you.

Word on the street